Often, your partner does less because you allow them to, because you expect them to, and because you teach them how to treat you.. 1. This has always been an unpredictable paycheck, but I work very hard to make somewhat of a decent living. He lays in bed all day watching Youtube or Netflix. He could try to do consulting work, he can do freelance work on fiverr or odesk. Youre youngyoull meet the right person eventually. But there are so many people looking that he gets turned down for not having the exact experience needed or wanted. The reason was also predictably related to the husband - that he didn't put his towel to dry . I dont know what I would do if I didnt have the Mass and rosary to keep me going. When I thought about how I want kids and would like to stay at home with them for a while, I came to realize I cant do this with him. Whats always annoyed me is when outsiders suggest that the person retire or go on disability they wouldnt be dealing with them 24/7/365 for the rest of your lives together you would be. Therapists and counselors can also often provide resources and help to those seeking employment. They said they are willing to do any work for money but their attitude are not matching. I really want to leave him at times but when I try; he begs- he acts suicidal- he will make me feel horrible because he tells me no one can ever love you the way I do. Then there were the next 8 months spent on getting a credential much to the exclusion of an active job search. A full time job handed to him and he declines. someone who is in it to win it or just a fair weather paether! All the other staff went to the new office. He actually left end of June and I was shocked that he actually left. I experienced the terrible economy. Im here all the time. Unemployment places strain on a marital relationship for obvious reasons. You are not his mother, it is not your job to take care of him. We used to host our friends but cant anymore, we cant go away on weekends, we do nothing. He was supportive for the week when I was really down, but in mentioning the upcoming memorial service (delayed due to the aforementioned family issues) this morning, he said he had completely forgotten about it, as he had other things on his mind. Find happiness and peace in yourself, save yourself. So I lost my dream. Hes been on a total of 3 interviews in the last year none of which resulted in a job offer. Jessica, I hope to god you helped yourself. Our kids are pretty happy, but we all know we could have more. Now that we own a house, the house is not big enough, its not warm enough, its not laid out the way he wants. I am 50, in good shape, have a great job, own my house. I am no rocket scientist. We had a huge fight last night. All the stress and pressure is on me it completely drains me. It completely sucks but its a paycheck. Rent is due in 1 week and he hasnt saved up a dime considering he hasnt worked a day in the last month so I know he wont have his 600 in time. Now we have run through my savings and my disability pay (the only income we have) will run out in 6 weeks. Its like hes obsessed with this. How did she go about her radiotherapy? Some people try to play the responsible person but cant keep it going because deep inside they feel entitled to come and go from a job as they please because mom or dad or another girl will catch him and play house with him. If I do the things that Im either good at or I like to do or I dislike less and my partner does the things that they are more interested in doing and dislike less, then the balance works much better.. This article clearly points to the effect unemployment will have on both partners, but it also points to the need to ensure both partners are looking after their mental, physical, spiritual, and relationship states. I dont think he understands how depressed and alone I am feeling. Yes after all this I an praying for a breakthrough from God. I really believe that he does not like his job status but his actions convey a completely different message to me and I just dont know if our relationship will survive what I have witnessed. A growing TikTok food trend is the equivalent of goblin mode for your midday hunger pangs. We only have one car and are trying to get back on our feet. For your own well-being, dont allow yourself or your spouse to fall into these traps. Im afraid that Im starting to see her as a failure as well. Not too long before our son was born. Unfortunately, the environment they lived in previously has enforced many poor habits, as law-breaking and prison-culture was a rule in their mothers home, rather than an exception or an example to be learned from. For my 2 children I have to work hard no matter how. I feel everyones pain- the depression, the sadness, the resentment, the anger- my husband has anger issues, he truly has a lack of self control when it comes to his emotions. You can certainly spend your marriage nagging, arguing, and begging your spouse to do more. He had not been a saver and so my own financial canniness actually came back and bit me big time. He wont do anything. Sick of his business. I would like to add the male perspective.When my wife and I got together, we bother were working and then 2 years later our son was born.I worked fulltime or 2 part time jobs.I continued to get paid jobs as time progress.This last 6 years where she looked after our son as she didnt work at all! He does no housework, thats my job he always reminds and the outside is his.. He hasnt had a single interview in the last year. Miraculously, we have no debt other than our car loans which we are able to pay each month. We struggle so much we live in a motel with the kids I pay for everything including everything for his kids from previous marriage.I do everything including school stuff daycare etc. All of historys military commanders, Kings, and Emporers never had in their wildest dreams the strdength it takes some of us to walk back into our homes after work knowing that we will be welcomed with complaints and sinks full of dishes. With just my income we are struggling as is, let alone paying rent. I still want a true job. I cant do this much longer! So betrayed. I am not pressuring him about his job hunt, and Ive offered to help him find (and cover the cost of) a therapist, which he declined. There was no such thing as "girl" chores or "boy" chores. I dont mean you should put up to to such extreme situation but just let you know there are sometime magic can happen inside our human being. Sometimes its too muchI cannot deal with this. You can separate if you married a wrong person. The last 2 weeks, Ive been treathning to kick him out if he doesnt have his rent money. I have wanted to leave many times. I am mostly referring to the men who have been out of work for years, not just a few months. A house, an employed husband, happiness . From the sounds of it, youre young and have the time to learn a new field. ETA: PLEASE DONT POST THIS ANYWHERE ELSE THANK YOU. On 2013 he had a brief job about 5 months and got laid off again! Bc there is no way in hell you're a failure if you're doing everything at home on top of holding down a job.he's the dud if anything. If they are in a dark place, pray for them and your family that he comes out of it. Ive already had 2 stress related heart attacks from work harassment and retaliation. Ive been homeless twice because of this which is extremely depressing because Ive always worked two jobs. Hes home everyday but doesnt do any housework and of course I resent him for that so everytime I ask him to do something I dont sound very nice and hes not going to do it because the way I ask doesnt please him. But they are TRYING. He is working one day a week at a part-time job. The rehashed dismissal that runs with a pursuit of employment is hard. My boyfriend moved in with me back in 2010; has held a bunch of jobs for not much more than 90 days. Even when i tell her that a single call and offer will make it feel like this was just a bad dream and to stay positive she says no and that it wont amount to anything. I dont know, I get that he feels like hes wasting time when hes not job searching but he has all this time to polish his skills to make him a more attractive hire. So, now my daughter has scraped through several near miss clinically dead but revived suicide attempts. Most days in cooler months cause me to get angry as I dont see him accomplishing anything. She spent a lot of money to take a course and get certified in something she said she had a real passion for, and could start a business with, and I supported the decision. I certainly hope and pray that our economy improves soon and each unemployed person finds work that is fulfilling in both meaning and income. Horror upon horror, about a couple of weeks before the wedding, my brother-in-laws business partner decided that he have had it with my sisters future husband. Even you married him, your commitment should be act on reasonable base. He doesnt clean and lives in my living room now on my spare bed. Ive been at my current two jobs for six and a half years! This was most obvious in Emily's situation. I wish there was more I could do to help him find a job!!!! Unlike some of the other stories here, he busts his butt to try and be as productive as possible around the house and takes care of our daughter and all her homework and activities. Bad eyesight and poor coordination runs in the family I suppose. He can also just volunteer to fill these gaps in employment history. I had been with someone previously who had passed away and he was the first guy who I really got involved in years later. I love her but Im so beyond tired of the same old, same old & nothing ever changing or improving for her. Anticipate Roadblocks. Im not hoping or expecting to do nothing around the house I just wish he would make more of an effort. Something was always wrong that he couldnt stay there. Here are a few practical suggestions: 1. Its a horrible situation all around. I know I have to be there through the tough times, but my husband makes me feel like a jerk when I tell him Im stressed and unhappy in our marriage. The difference now is we are stuck doing ALL of it because of the changes made to society. Im currently living with her, but if it wasnt for my job Id move in with my grandparents. I find it hard not to be angry at my husband. He cleans the litter box (ew). I promised myself I wont do that anymore. You may feel I am too conservative and tradition. No one can help you except yourself. Thank you for your comment, Chelsea. Its like half a life. The former business partner decided to first, move from my brother-in-laws offices and set his own office, and, my brother in law was not invited to join them. They disconnected. But i have to day i am crumbling. So it is tough from a lot of different standpoints. If he really gave one ounce of thought to the bills and rent and getting his shit together he would not have run through 7 jobs. After each rejection, after each lead goes no where, it becomes harder for me to stay positive. This has been an almost 10 year struggle. Nor are these comments meant to be insensitive, so please try to understand that the comments for what they are; they are encouragement to take action because what you are going through is not right and must not be tolerated by anyone. I, however, finished a degree, have maintained upward mobility, and now have full- and part-time jobs, both of which I enjoy. and cheerleader to a traumatized, unsettled husband. I fantasize all the time about just running away from the stress. When a womans fed up thats it. But, sometimes, when . even i have given up hope of finding someone because men expect women to be working now. It will cost between $5,000 and $8,000 to get the land how it needs to be and then the cost of getting a building. We dont have a ton of college educated people in our area, but apparently, now that doesnt help either. I never thought hed be like this but its been this way almost half of our marriage. J. I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years we have 2 children together and 2 older children from a previous marriage living with us( they think Im their mom). In a bad 3 . My twist is that Im not in great health. He says hes doing what hes doing for us and that we should be patient Its been 4 yrs, 4 yrs.. Ive been nothing but a gud and supporting wife for 4 yrs to a man trying to sell Gold, diamonds, oil and gas etc that he doesnt own to people he doesnt know. His brother in law, a hard working man, recently offered him a job which he declined. Are you willing to pay for childcare? Am I not looking at it from your perspective? Movie is now in Post Production. Where am I going with this? He wont look elsewhere because he believes he will hear something back on Monday. You have been a tremendous blessing to him, but he has been quite a burden to you. I feel most of the women in this blog complained for their unemployed partner is for : 1. And all this is hidden from his family who cares for him deeply. DO NOT LET IT GO ON. There are no jobs in that area.. All the while Ive worked thru surgeries, broken legs, rolling around In a chair at work just so we could survive ..he doesnt cook but did get better at food shopping. So naturally, they not only want to prevent that from happening, they want to send your partner away feeling less than and thinking that something must be lacking within themselves to make them not good enough to even be offered the position that they (your partner) thought (and was probably correct) that they would be perfect for. But some days I panic at the thought of facing up to work feeling like a mess. I just dont know what to do. Tells me Im looking for someone rich. I really dont feel he is trying hard to find a job so how long do I go before I cant take it any longer. But we cant. He does contribute SOME things, and he does love the kids. I do the chores. Yes, I buy it for him once a month (legally) and he goes through it in a week. If you dont admit the reality you will keep suffering. But not dishes. Ill be thinking of you and sending you good vibes for finding stable work. We are sorry to hear of the challenges you are facing. Give support. I have been married for 7 years and basically my husband has stayed home and played video games since his last temorary internship ended in December. Promise you wont damage yourself for a man! I was able to talk to him about going to a doctor to sort out his mental issues. I know its for better or for worse, but this isnt fair! I try talking to him so i can understand how he can choose to put all that effort into a female who meant nothing instead of fixing himself then his family. Praying were not all just casualties of the recession forever. People never want to seem to help you get to or from an interview, but at the same time seem to take great pleasure in kicking you while you are down. 4 years he is not working . He goes on interviews but never gets hired. Then, whatever your partner does, give them kudos and keep letting go.. Sorry for rambling. Like what kind of men does this? The apartment is in my name, so i know i have every right to kick him to the curb. I saved enough money to last me just over 5 years, and have family help if needed which I dont take. When I ask them if theyve had a discussion about the roles each is taking on and how theyll split up the household responsibilities, I almost always get a no.. When I tell him Im started to resent him for all this he starts this crying crazy panicky, Im a piece of shit, Im afraid youre going to leave me, Ill try harder. Spiel that Ive heard a thousand times. Its so frustrating and scary. What would that solve? I dont know if he will make a good father, if I will ever get back to uni, if he will ever be able to hold down even the simplest of jobs. I know exactly how you feel. They dont want to fit in the position job market needed for the time being, but they just want to work in the position they like. What would become of my children and the life they live? He has no children and we are not married and Im realizing he may be a bachelor for reasons more complicated than I first imagined. You can likely get financial aid too. I feel broken ya know? Hes not taking care of a sick mother, or disabled or injured. Boy, has society got all women buffaloed. Depression can completely kill a persons drive or ambition to do anything including looking for-obtaining work, finding a hobby or performing chores. Cautionary tale. I have talked to my husband about how when he gets a new job, I would love to employ a regular house cleaner, but that we need to wait until we have a higher household income. One wife, Shannon, summed up the points noted above in one sentence: "I don't think [my husband] realises the impact [his unemployment] has on me. I dont really see a light at the end of this tunnel since the information technology sector has been decimated by imported labor & responses to his resume are few and far between. Were living on peanuts because the bills take up most of my pay, and my long battle with depression has flared up again, making life even harder to deal with. Im afraid for the woman I love. Your husband sounds almost like he has manic episodes, with the affair and addiction and the timing with it all. I had become very clingy and dependent and had developed what I didnt know was called learned helplessness. The last thing you or your partner needs is your resentment, so choose what you are comfortable with and do it. Get the pom-poms out. We met in college and moved back to my hometown after school to save money(hes from another state). He has damaged a lot of my belongings over the years. We dont go out to dinner unless someone gave us a gift card as a gift, or I earn one from doing surveys. Grab Now! I have tried in many ways to get him to understand and to help him find work but he refuses. Unfortunately, that means I have to 50 hours a week or more. The most annoying thing is when he s got some money, he spend it on expensive wines.I am loosing the will to live. For example, do you believe housework should be shared equally? Get a clue. @#$% YEARS! I have a successful company and already work more than full time, do all the work around the house and still make sure I am fully present and engaged with our daughter. At this juncture, I need financial support from him, but would probably find my endurance to be much better if coupled with emotional support. So we moved in with my parents. He gets very angry. You may say Man can also be a good child raiser, but they are rare. Well this income has come from 7 different employers. Do you want your sons and/or daughters to grow up this way? Why all of comments are telling sad stories.are there any successful stories that the unemplyed finally gets a job and the love is strengthened?my boyfriend has been looking for a job since three years,thank god,i have a stable job,many of u with children and debtthat is much harder.wish all of you get through this tunnel. I have failed two jobs already for a year and right now, Im unemployed for one month. I just feel so alone in this time of need with nobody to talk to that would understand the stress of it all. I dont understand his actions. I have serious health issues and Im barely holding on. We just blame eachother and fight. Wow. One ounce of attitude, kicked to the curb. He didnt try to look for work or plan anything the first year also the same time when our first son was born. Been married for 18 years, 2 kids age 10 and 6 and its been almost a year since he got laid off. They arent able to find decent paying permanent jobs with decent benefits, they cant afford to go back to school to earn a degree or certification and they often arent in positions to go into business for themselves. I have worked for the past 6 years of our marriage; but, in the past 14 months i have been trying to find a better solution than chasing a paycheque. Permission to publish granted to GoodTherapy.org. My dreams are only dreams my reality is not what I planned for? All he said was that he had given me so much. Much as I love my sister and her 3 children, i.e. Hi Chelsea, he sounds like a horrible man and it seem like you and your kid are in danger. he dont like me touching his cellphone, he feels i am spying on him. Probably would leave if I could. Our three-year-old son has just started schooling and it worries me even more. Instead I am not allowed to talk to him today. It isnt fair. I helped him when he doesnt have a job for several months before & now when is my turn he simply said i cant!!!! Emotional labor might be called invisible work, but look hard enough and youll see your spouses handiwork: The report card grade that improved because she prodded your kid to study. He will go and do medical studies, which i suggest that you guys suggest to your husbands to do. I always hoped it would. Now all this Im saying there are reasons why I married him why I chose him he loves me and our son he fixes things and is a protector but I dont know if that is enough anymore. There is no sign of marriage or kids, so I am in limbo. I wish I had been as mature as you at that age. Why ? Some people think that to get these figures on unemployment, the government uses the number of people collecting unemployment insurance (UI) benefits under state or federal government programs. Lived there 10 years all on my wages he did nothing except spend, spend, spend. In 9 years that we have been together, he was not working for 4 Like everyone else, I was supportive at first then resentful of my situation. Im confused. Tip #2: Try to make chores fun. He doesn't cook, clean, laundry vacuum. Add a full time job on top of that, and you WILL become overwhelmed and your marriage is doomed to fail due to resentment. The ignorance of certain people about the hiring process and that sometimes there are more factors involved that go beyond the person who isnt hired is appalling. And when they dont have a job they are around the house 24/7 getting on your last nerve causing you to wish-hope-pray that they find something soon even if its something that ultimately is only going to last for a year or less (given the persons track record in these matters.) I also worked until i had a horrible crush injury to my ankle n both bones in my leg which led to permanent social security disability income. The loving man I know changed into a clingy child whose temper and mood swings rival those women on soap operas. He told me in October 2018 that he would have a job, it is nearly March and hes only been to a handful of interviews and sleeps till noon. I love him so much, I truly feel he is the one but I am just trying my best to power through and be good to him and have as much faith in Gods plan as I can. She is 27, unemployed and lost her uncle and mother in the last 2 years We have a 2 year old together and he does look after him abit but its still me that does everything, if I ask more than once Im nagging so I just end up doing it, he is supportive of my ptsd but sometimes I feel like im drowning doing everything and i have to push my self being the breadwinner. If separation becomes necessary . And you sound very responsible for 21. I havent though because I know if I do then where will we live? There are countless jobs out there were help is desperately needed, if this person truly were looking they would have found something/anything by now. He sleeps on the couch most nights, is overall pretty disinterested in sex so I dont even get that and theres no money for us to go out, getting a babysitter and allso the only one who ever gets to go out is him. I guess I am just over it and want our old lives back. Losing a home we had created, my marriage, my closest friend, his family, and an idyllic lifestyle because I had been too pigheaded to work at a certain type of job led to a massive depression.
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